Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be Patient: The Results Are Worth The Wait.

     In the words of Benjamin Franklin:  "He that can have patience can have what he will."

     I will admit, patience (with regards to myself that is...) is NOT my strong suit.  I like to think that when it comes to other people I have a great deal of patience.  However in my faith through Christ, I have learned that I cannot change others...I can only change myself.  So when I'm faced with a difficult person or a difficult situation, I remind myself that I cannot change the other party.  I can only determine my reaction to whatever the scenario is.  
     I have found with regards to my health and fitness, I am extremely impatient.  I often need to be reminded that losing weight, and becoming healthy takes time.  It doesn't happen overnight.  It has taken years to get into the shape that I'm in, and it will take time to change for the better.  I know when I started this blog I was very motivated.  I had a lot of excitement, and couldn't wait for the next time I got to weigh-in.  I wanted to see the magical number on the scale keep lowering.  The last few weeks though, my weight loss has definitely slowed.  I know that I've been doing what I'm supposed to.  I am eating right, working out a lot, drinking lots and lots of water, but yet I haven't been able to lose the weight like I did with the first challenge.  
     My trainer Justin Cox tells me that I needn't worry.  If I'm doing all those things like I say I am, then everything will be okay and results will show in the end.  Yet, hearing those words doesn't always put your mind at ease.  It's had me so worried that I have become practically neurotic when it comes to food.  Gaining weight is what has been on my mind 95% of the day. It wasn't until this past week that my mind has been put to ease.  On Thursday I was asking Justin what it is I'm doing wrong.  At that point in time, I was getting discouraged and was feeling really down about the whole thing.  I wanted to know what I could change.  Like I said before, I've come to understand that I cannot change others.  I have also fully well come to know that I CAN change me.  So, I wanted to know what was necessary for me to change.  
     All it took was one simple calculation.  He had me step on the scale, and unfortunately I had the same lousy results.  I had actually gained a pound since the last weigh-in.  This time though, he calculated my total body fat% too.  In the beginning of January when I had my measurements taken my body fat% was at 24%.  Which by-the-way isn't terrible.  That is completely within the healthy range.  On Thursday though when he calculated it,  while having gained 5 pounds over the month...I've lost 2% more of my body fat.  YAY!  I cannot explain how much of a relief that was.  
     So these last few days, I have really come to understand that I have to be patient.  I can obtain my goals, and I know I will.  If I keep doing what I know is right and helpful, there is absolutely no reason why I won't improve.  

With all that being said....I had mentioned in my very first blogpost that I would have pictures along the way to show my progress.  I took 2 pictures of myself before the challenge started in January.  Last Thursday after I got home from working out, I took another set.  Seeing numbers on a piece of paper really does help put the mind at ease.  Pictures though, are worth a thousand words.  Actually being able to see the results in color feels AMAZING!

Here's me the first week of January weighing in at 138 pounds.
And now the second week of February weighing in 5 pounds heavier!
Picture of my back in January
Picture of my back in February

     To some, this may not seem like a big difference.  To me though, I feel like a million bucks.  There's definite improvement, and seeing it has given me the motivation I've been looking for.  Today at the weigh-in we took measurements as well as weight.  I am happy to say that I'm back down to 140lbs.  Plus, I have lost 4" around my hips. These results came in just a little over a month.  I am super anxious to see what the difference will be in two more months.  Dare I say I am actually excited for bikini season!

     So to all those out there struggling along, please keep going.  I promise you, you will never regret doing a workout, or giving up that piece of cake.  I do promise you though, if in a year you still haven't will regret that.  
     According to Jim Rohn:
    "We must all suffer from one of two pains:  the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons."

   Be patient, but don't let yourself regret not trying.


  1. i can see the difference on your belly and hips and that little roll around the bra. Hang in there.

  2. wow, great job! I found a link to your blog through pinterest - I'm on my own weight loss journey too! Congrats on your success so far!
